Mortgage Originator Consulting

Mission Medium, LLC

Find out how I (Leslie) helped over 70 families, with their new home purchase, in my first year as a Business Development Manager and Loan Officer.

Who We Are

Leslie Ziemba-Crosby

As an Empowerment Coach and Strategist for over 20 years, I came to the mortgage world out of a desire to help the many real estate agents I was working with. I’ve always loved being an integral part of someone’s journey to excellence and helping Realtors, Entrepreneurs and Clients to get what they desire sets my soul on FIRE!This journey started when I was a child, my grandmother was a broker, Mom was a Realtor, Sister was a Realtor/now partner of a title company AND my husband was a Realtor for 7 years... so Real Estate is in my blood.My hubby, Chris Crosby, and I had worked for a smaller lender in the area but desired to have more products and opportunities to present to our clients.With several unique programs and partnerships that truly set us apart, I am so excited to introduce YOU to something NEW!A little about me: I’ve lived in the Charleston, SC area for over 12 years, grew up in NJ/PA area, but I’ve always been a Southerner at heart (with a little Jersey fire in my Soul). Chris and I have 4 grown children between us, as well as 2 grandbabies, Cyrus and Sera, and a 3rd on the way.In my free time I enjoy house projects, the beach, time with family, personal growth seminars, and time with our French Bulldog, Poppy!



There's no greater WHY than making an impact in the lives of others and this is my WHY!

Teach a Man To Fish

1.Survival 2.Security 3.Stability 4.Success 5.Significance

Leaders like John Maxwell and Tony Robbins describe it best...Many people in the Real Estate and Mortgage realm walk around in SURVIVAL mode which is NOT a good place to be. You feel like you're always trying to swim upstream.I've been there, more times than I care to count.I went from SURVIVAL... to feeling some SECURITY... to finally feeling some STABILITY in my life and when SUCCESS was accomplished over and over this last year, I knew what needed to happen next...SIGNIFICANCE!How could I make help others in a more significant way??The Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said, "If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day but if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime!

Leslie Ziemba-Crosby
Phone: 843-789-9636
Email: [email protected]
NMLS# 2111186 EHO